How to Pair White Wine with Sous Vide Meats

by | Aug 2, 2022 | Sous Vide

There’s an age-old myth that says white wine and steak do not work well together. Wine and food pairings are subjective, right?  If you prefer white wine over red for your Burnett Fine Foods brand of sous vide steak – indulge yourself.

To compliment your sous vide steak, look for lightly-oaked nutty Chardonnay that has that natural acidity that can cut through the juiciness and fattiness of our wonderful steaks and outstanding lamb shanks.

Due to the highly acidic nature of a good Sauvignon Blanc, the intensity, complexity, dry, rich, nutty flavor of a Riesling, the long finish, rich mouth-filling of a good Chenin Blanc.  These wonderful attributes compliment a perfect paring of Burnett Fine Foods sous vide steaks, chickenlamb and pork products for an outstanding and memorable dining experience.

Burnett Fine Foods offers you the best sous vide meats in the industry and allows you the opportunity to enjoy meals as amazing as your wine selections and preferences. Contact us today to find out more about our delicious Sous Vide meat selections.


Happy National White Wine Day – Cheers!